Fear of Gaining Weight (Obesophobia): Breaking Free and Embracing Body Positivity

Do you find yourself constantly worried about gaining weight or becoming overweight? Is your mind preoccupied with thoughts of your body, food intake, and calorie intake? Do you find yourself consciously avoiding meals or feeling anxious around scales? If these scenarios seem all too familiar, you might be dealing with obesophobia. This blog post aims … Read more

What is the Opposite of Fear?

Bravery in Ancient Greece What Is the opposite of fear? It’s not necessarily what you think. Many people would answer this question with one word: bravery. They would say that being brave means facing your fears and doing what you are afraid of. They would say being brave means not letting fear stop you from … Read more

Side effects of EMDR

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It helps people process traumatic memories. Some possible side effects of EMDR are: These side effects are usually temporary and part of the healing process. However, if they are too overwhelming or interfere with your daily life, you should talk to your therapist about them. Feeling uncomfortable … Read more

Fear of insanity

Have you ever had an unexplainable fear that your world is falling apart? A feeling of dread when your thoughts become chaotic and uncontrollable and make no sense? You may be dealing with anxiety symptoms or a phobia known as Dementophobia. This is the persistent, irrational fear of insanity or madness – losing a grip … Read more

Gigantasophobia: A Fear Of Tall People

If you avoid social situations where you might encounter tall people, such as parties, concerts or sports events, you may have gigantasophobia.   What is gigantasophobia?  Gigantasophobia is a specific phobia involving a person suffering from an irrational and excessive fear of tall people. People suffering from this phobia may feel anxious, nervous, shy, uncomfortable or … Read more

How a SUDs Scale Measures Anxiety

When you want to know the temperature in the room, you might reach for a thermometer. The SUDS (Subjective Units of Distress) scale is an example of a tool that helps you to measure your anxiety – think of it as a thermometer to gauge your mood! It’s beneficial for helping you feel greater control … Read more

Hypnosis for fear of flying

Many people are fearful of flying. Some have a mild fear, while others may have a more severe phobia. Whatever the level of intensity, there are hypnosis techniques that can help lessen the anxiety and allow you to fly confidently. Here we will explore how fear of flying hypnosis can work for you. How fear … Read more

Facing the Fear of Engulfment

If you fear engulfment, it means you’re afraid of losing yourself in a relationship. This can come from growing up in an enmeshed family, where boundaries were unclear and you felt like you had to be someone other than yourself to please your parents. If this sounds familiar, know that you’re not alone. Here’s what … Read more