Walk-and-Talk Therapy

patient and therapist walking outside in a walk and talk therapy session

Walk-and-Talk Therapy is an innovative approach to psychotherapy that combines physical activity with mental health treatment. It has many benefits, including increased energy and motivation, improved relationships between therapist and patient, and decreased stress levels. By combining exercise with traditional talk therapy techniques, this unique form of psychotherapy can help individuals better cope with life’s … Read more

Use These Anxiety Journal Prompts If You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

a woman journalling

Recent studies have shown that an anxiety journal is useful for managing or reducing anxiety symptoms. The research is clear: writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can help provide clarity and insight into the causes of anxious thoughts. The efficacy of journaling to manage anxiety can be significantly increased by using journal prompts. Whether … Read more

Understanding & Treating Androphobia: The Fear of Men

While we’re all entitled to personal preferences, specific phobias are much more than a simple aversion or disinclination. A phobia can be a debilitating mental health condition,  often marked by irrational fear or anxiety about an entity or situation. Perhaps one of the most alienating phobias is the fear of men, which can complicate everything … Read more

Ombrophobia: The Fear of Rain

Our ancestors evolved to take shelter from the rain. For some, a practical avoidance of rain turns into an irrational fear, a phobia called ombrophobia. Those with ombrophobia may suffer from an anxiety disorder, experience heart palpitations, or have an irrational fixation on disasters. This can happen even in light rain or if the weather … Read more

Understanding & Overcoming a Fear of Math

girl with math phobia and anxiety resting head on blackboard

Do you ever feel overwhelmed when it comes to mathematics? Do you get sick to your stomach when faced with equations and formulas? If so, then you’re not alone. A mathematics phobia is an intense fear of math, which can cause panic when individuals face equations and formulas. Symptoms include increased heart rate, sweating, trembling … Read more

Therapists for empaths and highly sensitive people

The world of talk therapy is expanding. With the advent of online therapists and counseling platforms, more and more people are getting in touch with their emotions.  Therapists for empaths are trained to focus on the specialized needs of highly sensitive people. An empath experiences physical symptoms and feelings that originate outside their perspective. It … Read more

‘Start From the Top’ & Free Online Therapy from Talkspace


Finding access to mental health support can be difficult, especially with the rising costs of traditional therapy sessions. Free online therapy programs provide a way to get the help you need at an affordable price. Talkspace, a revolutionary new platform designed to provide accessible, affordable, and convenient online therapy, could be the answer. Talkspace has … Read more

REBT vs. CBT: Comparing Two Popular Therapy

Behavioral therapy is widely used to help people cope with mental health issues. It seeks to find negative patterns, develop better stress handling methods, and bring about long-term life changes. Behavioral therapy can be used to address a range of issues; from unhealthy compulsions and sleep dysfunction to irrational fears or beliefs. Therapists employ various … Read more

Don’t Be Fooled: Delusional Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Delusional disorder symptoms include fixed delusions (which are held for more than one month and often longer), distorted thought processes, impaired functioning, paranoid ideation, social isolation, difficulty managing emotions, and anxiety. Treatment includes counseling, psychotherapy, and/or medication. The treatments aim to reduce symptoms of paranoia and delusional thinking by helping an individual identify false beliefs, … Read more