Generalized Anxiety vs. Panic Attacks: What’s the Difference?

What’s the difference between generalized anxiety disorder (anxiety attacks) and panic attacks? Contrary to popular misunderstanding, attacks from anxiety disorders and panic disorders are two different things. An anxiety attack is characterized by feelings of anxiety or nervousness, while a panic attack is marked by sudden episodes of intense fear or excessive worry. Both can … Read more

The Caliper Personality Test: Predicting Personality & Cognitive Ability

Employers are always looking for ways to streamline and simplify their candidate filtering process to select the best person for the job. This has largely been one of the driving factors behind the demand and development around personality and aptitude tests. In this post, we’ll discuss one of the oldest personality and cognitive ability tests … Read more

L-Theanine Dose for Anxiety Relief

L-Theanine is an over-the-counter dietary supplement easily found in health food and supplement stores. Its health benefits include boosting serotonin levels, lessening the bad side effects of caffeine, and promoting sleep. It’s sold as a nootropic that also reduces anxiety symptoms. L-Theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid and is one of the main psychoactive … Read more

Relieving Anxiety With Nootropics: The What, How & Why

Note: Supplements are not required to undergo the same rigorous testing process as prescription drugs. Be sure to speak with your doctor before using supplements to treat symptoms or ailments. There’s been a significant rise in anxiety disorders in America. In fact, it’s the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting approximately 18.1% … Read more

Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder and Depression

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression primarily in winter. SAD is most common in the southern United States, Europe (particularly Scandinavia), Japan, and Australia. SAD is genetic, and people in the northern hemisphere have evolved to be more susceptible to SAD than people from the southern hemisphere. The shorter days of autumn … Read more

Huperzine-A Benefits

Huperzine-A is a powerful herb derived from the Chinese club moss Huperzia Serrata plant. It has been shown to increase mental acuity and improve memory in both young and old subjects.  It’s also used as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders. This article will discuss the benefits of … Read more

Using CBD for OCD: Why (and How) It’s Effective

In recent years, scientific research has been able to confirm that the anxiety disorder Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD) is more common than originally thought. According to recent reports by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 1.2% of all US adults have been diagnosed with OCD – with over 80% of the affected suffering moderate to … Read more

Is Noopept the next big thing in brain enhancement?

Since its creation in Russia in 1996, noopept has grown in popularity and is now a mainstream brain enhancing supplement. Anyone who’s looking to get an edge at work, school, gaming or even studying for exams is using Noopept. It’s an alternative to drugs like Modafinil and Adderall which are used for brain enhancement. Read … Read more

Finding Insurance That Helps Cover Mental Health

This article was updated on January 15, 2023, by Eric Van Buskirk Admitting to yourself that you need therapy is an act of bravery, and chances are that if you’re reading this article right now- you’re at least considering it.  It’s common knowledge that mental health services don’t come cheap, but there is help to … Read more

Examining The Viability of Propranolol for Anxiety Disorders

With fears over a second wave of COVID-19 at an all-time high, there’s been a significant rise in anxiety disorder diagnoses among Americans. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in the United States, affecting over 18% of the population nationwide before … Read more