Finding Insurance That Helps Cover Mental Health

This article was updated on January 15, 2023, by Eric Van Buskirk Admitting to yourself that you need therapy is an act of bravery, and chances are that if you’re reading this article right now- you’re at least considering it.  It’s common knowledge that mental health services don’t come cheap, but there is help to … Read more

Examining The Viability of Propranolol for Anxiety Disorders

With fears over a second wave of COVID-19 at an all-time high, there’s been a significant rise in anxiety disorder diagnoses among Americans. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in the United States, affecting over 18% of the population nationwide before … Read more

Sominphobia: A real-life nightmare

Sominphobia is the fear of dreams and can also be known as sleep anxiety. Though there are different kinds and levels, it can be said that Sominphobia refers to a generalized dislike or fear of dreaming. This can lead to either an inability to sleep or insomnia when attempting to fall asleep. It has been … Read more

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Note: This post was updated by Eric Van Buskirk on January 15, 2023 Most definitions and explanations for multiple personality disorder use the dissociative identity disorder definition, which is what it’s currently known as.  Others make it seem more like a pop-psychology concept. While we can all understand people wanting to paint it in a … Read more

Learning Disabilities in 2023: Diagnosis, Assistive Technology, and Website Accessibility

Learning disabilities (LDs) have different names in different countries, but they all refer to a person’s problems with assimilating, processing and/or reproducing learning content in a typical manner. For the purposes of this article, we will focus on the American definition and diagnosis. According to the Learning Disabilities Association of America, a learning disability is … Read more

Top Six Pen Scanners to Take You From Primers to Proust

pen scanner translating

Imagine a highlighter pen that not only underscores critical information but also captures important text and digitally transmits it to your computer instantaneously, sort of like an advanced “cut and paste” function. That tool actually exists! It’s called a digital scanner pen, and uses a technology called optical character recognition (OCR) to digitize printed text … Read more

Medical cannabis

  “Medical cannabis” was published on, and is shown here in its original form.  However, this version is designed for W3C, accessibility compliance. Medical cannabis, or medical marijuana, is cannabis and cannabinoids that are recommended by doctors for their patients.[1][2] The use of cannabis as medicine has not been rigorously tested due to production restrictions and other governmental regulations.[3] Limited evidence suggests cannabis can reduce … Read more